Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Week 9

A four day week this week so it's going to be really tiring. Today's session was the first introduction to Vectorworks. As a student I am now in possession of a (free) one year licence to use the software, which took forever to download and another forever to install. Fortunately the whole process went without a hitch unlike some of the other members of the course, who even today were still having trouble getting the program to work.

Half the group are attending the two day session this week and the other half will be there next week. In practice this means that it is a really cosy group with all of us on pcs rather than macs so that T, the tutor, didn't have to explain two different ways to do each function. 9:30 to 4pm ish is a really long day when you are learning something completely new so by late afternoon the brain had gone into melt down - a weird combination of 'this all seems really logical and straight forward' and 'I will never be able to remember how to do this ever again'. T's notes are really extensive and as she has a manual coming out soon (which is top of the to buy list) at least I will have some instructions to read through when all this stuff needs to be put into practice.

More Vectorworks to come, the brain needs a good rest tonight so that it is ready for another overload of information tomorrow!

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